
Showing posts from September, 2019

This far

Today we learned from a group of peers. They were the teachers for the day, and they taught us about chapter 12 of the book Wild. The lesson was very good and entertaining. One of the themes the group used was "Always be prepared." I like that quote because it is I felt as if it was targeted towards me. Being prepared will always be helpful no matter what you are doing.

The Lou out of Lou

Today we were assigned to groups for this book. The name of the book is titled Wild , and it is a very good book. My group was assigned chapter 11. Wednesday, we have to teach the class about that chapter for 60 minutes. It is a short amount of time, but as a leader, I have to push myself and my group to get it done.

American Dream

I got an early dismissal today, but we talked about the American Dream. Whenever I think of this phrase, I think about early U.S.A when Americans wanted to reach the west and east coast. My dream is to grow up and enjoy my life. To become a technical engineer, and work with companies like  Samsung  or  Apple .

Rivers of Life

Today we read a Langston Hughes poem. The poem compared blacked lives to rivers. I enjoyed the poem mainly because, the poem seemed to touch me personally. Also, we learned about Mr.Rease's family tree.

Wild 3-4

Today we did not do much other then take the test. The test wasnt that hard, but i did not have enough time to finish. I should really work on working faster.


Today is September 11,2019. We discussed the topic of what is means to be an American . To me, being an American is to be a law abiding citizen. The class also talked about our American Heroes. I chose Stan Lee, because he created one of my favorite American heroes who stand up for the citizen and protect them from anything putting his life on the line.

Arguments v Fighting

 Today was an interesting day. We learned about arguing and fighting. In an argument, you win by persuading the audience. In a fight, you win by physical blows. We read a few stories, and they where quite funny. One was about trying to get out of a ticket. Another was about trying to persuade a lover. I enjoyed them both and the lesson for today