

This week has went by very slowly. I noticed an email from my teacher a few days ago and realized I did not have the book for my Corona break. Today especially had been a bad day. I lost my grandfather, one of my greatest role models, to sickness. I'm okay thought because I know he is in a better place. Anyway, I was doing the AP classroom assignments, which I think I did horribly on🤦🏽‍♂️, and I found interest on a story about babies and their dreams. Babies sleep, but research shows that they do not have enough imagination to dream. I found this very interesting, because what do they do while they sleep, just see darkness. But that is all for this week folks.


Today we were separated in groups based on the country we blindly picked yesterday. The groups were continents, and since I chose Vietnam, I was in Asia. We had to look up customs for our countries. Then we were to discuss our similarities and differences with each other(within the groups). We found out that most countries on the same continent's shared many customs, and since we're very similar.

Act Practice

I was not in class today; me and a few of my fellow classmates were out for ACT practice.

Test Corrections

 Today we were separated into groups, and we were suppose to figure out why the answer we chose was correct. It was fun but helpful at the same time. It helped me to analyze the questions and answer better, so that I will be able to choose the correct for other test.

Fear and Faith pt2

 We continued yesterday's discussion today. We watched a few videos of famous people who came from nothing and made it big. One video was about Jim Carrey wrote himself a 10 million dollar check for himself, and was certain that he would be able to cash it one day. The second was how Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, failed at football and had 7 dollars to his name, but he used that failure to motivate his future success. He went as far as to be the number 1 wrestler in WWE. He quit as number to persue a career in hollywood. He doubted his decision of quitting while he was ahead, but he was certain, he was going to make it big. This ultimately motivated me to push for my goal no matter what.

Fear and Faith

Today in class we discussed the relationship between certainty and doubt. To have certainty, is to have 100% faith. To have doubt, is to have no faith. To me, the contradict each other, because if you are certain about something you know it will happen. When you start to doubt, you start thinking about "What if?" Once that what if come, you can not perform the best that you can because, you are fretting and limiting yourself.

Fallacy Skit

  Yesterday in class a student suggested that we do a skit for fallacy in class today. At first I thought that the skit was going to be difficult, but it was actually fun. The class was divided into groups, and the teacher gave each group a fallacy(one group was given two fallacies). All of the skits were entertaining, and some had accidentally inserted extra fallacies and I knew what they where. My favorite was the first group though. Their fallacy was slippery slope. They decided to do a pregnancy skit, that ended with their "daughter" and the "boyfriend" getting put out. During the argument, the "mother" and the"father" gave reasons that did not make since, but the skit ended in a dire consequence which helped me lead to the conclusion of slippery slope.